2022. 1. 20. 00:32
(신고하는 곳을 찾을 수 없어 여기다 우선 남김. 한글버전은 https://soulslip.tistory.com/125 에 썼음)
1. Trying to copy 3.99gb + 2.63gb files.(SD Card to RAMDISK). But oddly enough, a file with a combined capacity of 6.95 GB was created first.
2. After copy only 2.63gb file, an insufficient capacity error appears.
The capacity of drive is 8gb. so there is more than enough to copy.
(It works fine in Windows7. Error only in Windows10).
3. Even though there was space left, the 3.99gb file cound not be copied.
(I say again, it is copied normally in Windows7. Only error in Windows10)
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